Basel Social Club

 June 9–16, 2024

Levent Özruh

PRIMITIVES [1] Design Family combines high-resolution advanced manufacturing technology with quartz sand that can be recycled; resulting in a novel repertoire of experimental forms that blur the dichotomy between archeology and geology. The morphology of each object is intended to lead to a re-evaluation of what makes an object primitive; the generated aesthetics, the tools of creation, or the society it is produced for? While the formal language and aesthetics of the PRIMITIVES appear to be raw and archaic, the means of creation explore contemporary computational processes. This leads to a gap between the appearance and the codified recipes that are written as a series of algorithmic procedures by the designer. Our role as the designer is akin to a chef who also experiences a similar gap. Following the creation of a recipe, there is a delay before the tasting, after which there is a cyclical, iterative process that calibrates the methods of production; action and reaction are not real-time. Using quartz sand the manufacturing process is based on binder jetting technology for which high melting temperatures are not required and the sand can be reused / recycled up to 8 times in the production, minimizing its waste.


Zona Maco


Contemporary İstanbul 2024