Levent Özruh
Trained in architecture at the University of Edinburgh, UCL’s Bartlett School of Architecture, MIT and the AA School of Architecture, Levent has been evolving his career around the exploration of the ways in which disorder, open-endedness and volatility enhance the value of architectural design. Working with forms and structures that blur the dichotomy between archaeology and geology, Levent’s vision for architecture puts growth + adaptation over completeness and sub- divided spaces that long dominated architectural design. Dancing with entropy rather than fighting against it is a core aspiration across his works to achieve sustainable longevity & ancientness from acts of rigorous experimentation and risk-taking. Accommodating this ethos is achieved through a strong emphasis on establishing an innovative discourse on computation and fabrication paradigms, which serve as the two sides of a coin that gives the platform for experimentation, evolution, automation and realisation in the architectural design process. At these foundations of his involvement in computation and fabrication in architectural design lies experiences he gained whilst working for Carlo Ratti Associati, MIT Senseable City Lab and Coop Himmelb(l)au. These two fields give Levent the platform to automate design divergence through the creation of novel, algorithmic DNAs.
Levent divides his time as director at OZRUH, a small, London-based studio that evolves a bottom-up material driven research into architectural design projects, and as space architect at Xavier de Kestelier’s Space Architecture team at Hassell Studio, leading variety of projects from commercial space stations for Orbital Reef to multi-scalar Lunar Habitat designs for the European Space Agency. In an academic setting, he combines his experiences in both companies as Programme Director of the Moonshot Visiting School of the AA School of Architecture. Levent’s past academic roles involve studio master at the Bartlett, UCL and faculty assistant at the Institute of Advanced Architecture Catalunia. Levent’s work has been previously featured in prominent design journals, academic publications, national newspaper and television channels and architecture exhibitions. Outside his commitments to OZRUH and Hassell, he gives computational design consultancy to numerous designers and companies.